Greetings from the Blackmoor Adventurer’s Guild!
If you are a Blackmoor native, graduating from our professional training academies, we welcome you to your new profession. As you know, a copy of this Handbook is presented to all novice graduates of our schools as part of your certification. We encourage you to study it well, as its knowledge is gained from generations of adventurers who have come before you.
If you are a visitor to Blackmoor’s shores, we welcome you to our kingdom. A copy of this Handbook is presented to all incoming mercenary adventurers upon their registration with the Guild to assist you in your professional endeavors. We believe you will find it helpful for subjects ranging from laws and regulations regarding adventuring to an analysis of our surrounding wilderness and it creatures, and even including some brief history of our kingdom.
Sir Galavan Baleric, GuildMaster
Mage and Knight of the Silver Spur
114th Edition, 1897 PC
For visitors to Blackmoor, this section includes a description of the kingdom, including its geography and social structures, as well as an important summary of the rules and regulations regarding adventuring activity.
Descriptions of the adventuring areas and established dungeoning sites around Blackmoor.
Pictures and descriptions of the creatures and beings that can be encountered adventuring in the Blackmoor area. Certain additional iconic creatures are included for reference.
Famous stories and legends of Blackmoor and the world. Included is a listing of the world's most famous magical artifacts, as well as lesser artifacts thought to be in the Blackmoor area.
Reprinted here from the famous work of the same title by the legendary adventurer Sir Bosworth Roswell for the enjoyment of adventurers young and old.
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