Often compared unfavorably with large rats, kobolds occupy the lowest rung of the humanoid social ladder. They are small creatures, usually two to three feet tall, and are neither strong nor smart nor physically tough. They do, however, tend to be found in quantity. While like all humanoids kobolds are capable of fighting with (small) weapons, they are equally prone to attacking with simple claw and bite attacks, the latter nasty for its tendency to leave an infection.
Kobolds are often found in primitive communities of their own, and are equally frequently found under the control of more sophisticated humanoid groups, particularly goblins or orcs. Kobolds are excellent scouts because of their keen senses; they are also outstanding diggers and miners and may have a natural sense for certain rocks and minerals.
Kobolds have very little in the way of society or sophistication, no arcane magic use, and only the simplest of shamanistic magical understandings.
Goblins are small humanoids, typically about 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 feet tall, with buggy big eyes and green skin. Goblins are simple creatures whose strength lies in numbers -- there's NEVER only one goblin. Goblins usually live in large to massive colonies, often underground as they are capable diggers. Goblins don't like sunlight, and will try to avoid it if possible.
Despite living in large communities, goblins are highly chaotic creatures, which one must suspect leads to a lively social life. Goblin mobs are highly volatile, they are aggressive and will readily attack almost anything, yet they can be intimidated by an equally aggressive display of power. Goblins are quick to follow anything that looks stronger or more powerful than themselves, and they will equally turn on anything in an instant if they thing they have the numbers to overcome it.
Goblin shaman are usually part of any goblin mob, they typically can command only simple magicks, though very rare individual casters using up to third level spells have been recorded.
Gnolls are large humanoids, 7 to 9 feet tall, with a canine or wolf-like appearance. While they are normally bipedal, gnolls appear capable of running on all four limbs at exceptional speeds, and they can travel for long periods of time. They are, on average, reasonably equal to humans in strength and dexterity, possibly superior in endurance.
Gnolls are also of relatively low average intelligence and generally unsophisticated either individually orc socially. They live largely in tribal warbands, leading a nomadic existence emphasizing (we think) predation on other humanoids over development of a social infrastructure. They are accomplished leatherworkers, but appear to have little to no skill with metal, and none with building or engineering of any kind. Most gnolls use weapons that appear to be taken from other humanoid (or human) sources, although they do make their own bows (simple self bows, but very long and unusually powerful) and are respectable archers, often using fire-hardened bone-tipped arrows every bit as deadly as metal ones. Gnolls have simple shamanistic ability but demonstrate no arcane magical use.
Much like goblins, gnoll warbands are often very aggressive, particularly if they outnumber their intended victims. Their natural speed and tracking abilities make them particularly dangerous in chase situations, which they favor. Frequently they will trail intended targets for some time, then unexpectedly attack with great speed. They are not, however, particularly brave as individuals, and they tend to falter in the face of determined opposition. They also appear strongly leadership-driven, and even a large band can be quickly demoralized and even directly broken by the loss of key leadership.
The Dreadwood has a specific breed of native gnoll which is a noticeable step up from their normal cousins. They are certainly tougher and less prone to breaking in combat, and probably smarter, if the abilities of their shamans are any indication. The quality of their armor is much higher, and it is believed a substantial portion of their weaponry may be provided by the Drow Elves of the Spider Citadel.
Orcs are, almost certainly, the most numerous of all the humanoid races, both worldwide and in the Blackmoor area. Notwithstanding their commonality, a great deal of misunderstanding and misinformation about these creatures still exists.
Individually, orcs are close equivalents to humans, if you don't include being green and monumentally ugly. Their physical capabilities appear roughly equal to human standards, but since their society culls out the weak, the ones we encounter are all particularly strong, they're all particularly tough, and so they get a reputation for physical superiority untrue in theory but pragmatically a good rule. They are perfectly capable of functioning in sunny weather but it does bother them and they don't like it. Intellectually, they're often assumed to be stupid, which is a serious and frequently fatal error for young adventurers to make. Orc soldiers may not be there to think, but their leaders most certainly are. While notably devoid of artistic values, orcish society is highly advanced in areas such as engineering, mechanics, construction, metal working, and anything with application to warfare. Orcish poetry may not be much to read, but it is dangerous to underestimate the intellectual product of their society as a whole.
Orcs do not use arcane magic per se, though they do possess strong shamanistic abilities, and orcish priests appear capable of powerful holy magicks, the exact extent of which is controversial. All authorities agree orc priests are capable of using at least fifth level holy spells. Beyond that level, it depends on whether one believes Uruks are a different species than normal orcs. If one believes so, then the rare but historically validated examples of "orc" priests of higher powers are thought to be exclusive to the Uruks, with fourth to fifth level spells being the maximum for a normal orc priest.
Orcs usually live in moderate to large organized community groups, usually in permanent or semi-permanent settings. Much like the human race, they are flexible and adaptable and capable of living in almost any environment, including "barbarian-class" conditions in some of the more remote parts of the Western continent. Unlike humans (the ultimate example of cultural diversity), the cultures orcs establish are invariably the same. Orc society exists for war and dominance, its values are strength, conflict, and superiority. Power and authority are taken, not given. The strong dominate the weak, with direct violence being the preferred choice of settling conflict. Most orcish societies are believed to be highly militarized, controlled by charismatic warband leaders around whom tribes and individuals ally. Such leaders are usually warriors, but occasionally priests or powerful shaman rise to the role, if they are strong enough. A leader need not even be an orc, they will follow any creature that can command their respect. But at the same time, their obedience only as long as they can enforce their will, and loyalties can change quickly with a leader's successes or failures. While this tends to give their society a chaotic appearance, it is not the product of individualism but the desire to be part of the stronger side that drives the shifting loyalties of opportunism. Orcs are by nature lawful creatures who will willingly follow any power greater than themselves.
In the frontier world beyond the presence of humans, orcs dominate (or attempt to dominate) all other groups around them. Powerful orc leaders are believed to frequently control substantial geographic areas much as we humans would. Large orcish communities almost invariably incorporate other humanoid groups as laborers and slaves, frequently including kobolds, goblins, ogres, and sometimes other creatures. Not unlike humans, orcs are also capable of domesticating various animals and other creatures for various uses. It is probably this natural desire to inflict domination which so readily causes them to attack human settlements and other activities.
The race most commonly associated with the Drow Elves are the Derro, equally called “deep dwarves” or “deep gnomes” even though their actual ancestry is not known. The Derro are a subservient race to the dark Elves, and are kept in a servitude states as slaves of various rankings, even including soldier-slaves trained to fight for their otherwise oppressive masters. Breakaway communities of these creatures are not uncommon in the UnderDeep, but being enemies of their former masters does not make them friends to adventurers.
Derro are always found underground only, and except for the renegades, are generally found in Drow Elf colonies. They have probably been bred by the Drow for countless centuries, producing what appears to be a largely subservient and easily controllable population of hereditary slaves for the dark Elves to exploit. Their soldiers can be reasonably capable, but are not thought to exceed the equivalent of a class 4 to 5 type encounter at best. They are, however, extrememly robust as individuals. They seem to combine the tough constitution of a dwarf with a natural magic resistance similar to the Drow, but about half as strong. As a rule they are not exceptionally intelligent, but like all humanoid races they can produce leaders as intellectually formidable as any. Derro have holy magic, but do not use arcane spells.
Relatively little is known about the nature or social organization of these creatures. Most probably live their entire lives as slaves to their dark elven masters. They appear to be either Neutral or Lawful Evil in alignment, and evidence suggests they organize into tribal communities when they can escape from their Drow overlords. These groups probably lead brigand-style lives in the underground world. It is worth noting that derro are true creatures of the underworld and do not venture to the upper world, and it is believed that sunlight is actually toxic to them.
Troglodyte orcs are a unique race of orc-like creatures which appear to be unique to the Dreadwood Forest, and more specifically, the ancient ruined fortress known now as the Spider's Web. To the best of the Guild’s knowledge, no other examples of these creatures have been reported anywhere else in the Western world. The leading theory is that they have been bred by the Drow of the Spider's Web, with the intent of serving the Drow as upper-world soldiers. Although unconfirmed, it is a theory consistent with their appearance and behavior -- as guardians of the fortress grounds and forest patrols in the Dreadwood.
The Dreadwood itself being an essentially unexplored area, there are only a few sketchy reports (and one good one) regarding even their actual existence. Descriptions agree they are a bit more squat and broad than average orcs, with notably elongated faces and prominent fangs, and several descriptions emphasize a "feral" sort of appearance. Notwithstanding a primitive appearance, they are described highly intelligent and capable melee combatants, whether fighting individually or as disciplined solders under Drow command. Descriptions include the terms "formidable", "dangerous", and "capable", all bestowed by highly experienced Guildmembers. Though clearly of orc lineage, they are reported to be clearly superior to common orcs, more comparable to Uruks, and strong ones at that. All reports agree on a degree of physical courage and toughness that made them particularly formidable opponents.
That's about all we know, and the sample size is far to small to draw any but the most general conclusions. The few encountered are commonly described as warrior/soldiers, but their capabilities are not at all known; the possibilities of a shamanistic or even holy magic tradition, perhaps even a sorcerer-type class, are open to speculation. We know nothing of their numbers, their society or habitat, or their real relationship with the Drow. It will likely be some time before much more is learned about this unique and unusual orc.
Bugbears are large and powerful humanoids, typically standing around 7 feet tall and weighing 300 pounds or more. They are extremely muscular, and usually covered in brown or black hair. Their senses are keen, particularly their sense of smell, and they surprisingly quick despite their bulk.
In the Blackmoor area, bugbears are found only in the Frostcrag forest area. Here they maintain a rather secretive and isolationist culture which is highly attuned to their forest environment. We think they generally live in small groups of 30 - 50 which maintain an impermanent settlement pattern over a given area. While larger settlements have been occasionally encountered, these too seem to be temporary rather than permanent settlements.
The Frostcrag Forest bugbears, who have probably lived in the area longer than Blackmoor itself has, are completely adapted to their forest home. They are expert woodsmen, the equal of even an expert ranger, and appear to have a cooperative relationship with any and all of the forest's natural creatures. In a similar manner, their shamans exhibit a distinctly nature-oriented style of magic use which druids have described as essentially equivalent to their own, which appears to particularly emphasize the summoning of natural allies and forces. The result is that they are complete masters of their forest world, and encounters with them occur only when the bugbears want them to.
And such encounters are rare, even inside the forest zone; outside it encounters are pretty much non-existent. Efforts to contact them in any "political" sense have never succeeded, and they have never exhibited any interest (as far as we can tell) in the world outside their realm. The Guild classifies them as dangerous but unaggressive; it is likely that the majority of explorers that enter the Frostcrag Forest never encounter bugbears, even if they go looking for them. When encounters do occur, it does seem like they tend to become hostile. But there are reliable reports of relatively friendly, even co-operative contacts, fewer though they may be.
Frostcrag bugbears should not be underestimated. Their warriors aren't just strong and tough, they are legitimately skillful fighters without exception. They favor blunt, smashing-type weapons which can quickly render even an armor-clad warrior senseless. Their shamans, who are part of almost any bugbear group encountered, are equally to be respected, both for their magic skill and their intelligence. And most importantly, they're not fools; they know what adventurers are and apparently they know how to size us up pretty well. Groups that provoke hostility from them usually end up with casualties for little gain, as they appear to offer little in the categories of either treasures or deep knowledge. Groups that avoid them (or more properly, are avoided by them) can count themselves better off for it, which justifies the judgement of the famous ranger lord Domarlin: "The best bugbear is no bugbear at all".
Ogres are neither particularly intelligent or creative, and as long as they have food and something to beat on periodically they apparently have few other needs. Their combat abilities are dangerous because of their strength, not their sophistication, with a large club or mace being about all an ogre can -- or needs to -- handle. Ogres are also capable of sustaining a great deal of damage before expiring, adding to their formidability.
Ogres are not particularly thought to have any kind of "society" at all; they are almost always found either as individuals or as part of some other creature's organization or social group. They are often found in small group within larger orcish societies in particular, but always in a subservient mode in such cases.
As a rule, ogres have no magic of any kind, with the rare but significant exception of the Ogre Magi. We know little about these creatures, as they are extremely rare in the Western world. Unlike normal ogres, these are intelligent and literate creatures, capable of at least fifth and perhaps sixth level arcane magic spell use. They are skilled warriors as well, often using unusual or exotic weaponry. They are highly individual and mysterious, and their relationship to ogres in general is difficult to explain.
How it is that a creature with twice the number of heads has half the intelligence of anything else is hard to explain, but the Ettin manages to fit the bill. They are large humanoids, more or less in between Ogres and Hill Giants in size, strength, and robustness, some experts believe they are related to the former but this is not known for certain. Their obvious characteristic is their two heads, the intellectual dynamic of which is not understood, save that there’s barely an ounce of brain between either one. There is a theory that each head has a separate personality, but this is only supposition; it is known that one head can sleep while the other is awake. The two heads additionally give Ettins a high degree of awareness, and they are virtually impossible to surprise.
There is no known information about Ettin social life or behavior, if any exists beyond eating, sleeping, and wandering about. When found in any numbers, they are usually in the company and command of other humanoids, most frequently either Ogres or Orcs.
Cyclops are large humanoids, bigger than ogres but not quite giant-size, perhaps 9 to 10 feet tall on average. Their most obvious characteristic, besides their size, is the large single eye in the center of an otherwise standard humanoid face. Cyclops are not native to the Blackmoor area, but they are such an iconic creature we felt they deserved inclusion here.
Cyclops may be related to giants, or to ogres, or they may be their own unique race of creatures. Only male versions are known, and whether these creature reproduce with hidden members of their own kind or other creatures is just another mystery.
In behavior, as well as physical capabilities, Cyclops seem very similar to Hill Giants. They tend to be both solitary and reclusive, and are usually highly territorial, staying strictly within a certain area or near a given location. They are not thought to be above Low intelligence, and most individuals encountered seem to speak limited Common at best. Their motivations are largely a point of speculation, save that their strong connection to a specific location gives them the appearance of being guardians. The only issue with that is that the locations Cyclops are found at are sometimes of significance, but equally sometimes utterly mundane.
Cyclops are generally Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, or Chaotic Evil. Were we to have them here in Blackmoor, we would probably classify them the same as a Hill Giant.
Minotaurs are large and powerful humanoids, 6 to 7 feet tall, with a broad and muscular humanoid body and the head of a bull. Their skin and fur color can range from black to grey to brown. They wear little in the way of clothing or armor, but are adept with weapons of all types. Their size and stature allow them to frequently wield normal human two-handed weapons in a single hand.
Minotaurs are strong, rivaling ogres, but not particularly quick. They are not particularly smart either, but they are cunning and they have exceptionally keen senses which make them very difficult to surprise. They are skilled with weapons, and can also head butt an opponent either in melee or at the end of a charge, which will typically send the victim sprawling. Minotaurs have infravision, excellent night vision, and an acute sense of smell which makes them outstanding trackers. They are immune to fear, but smart enough to retreat when overmatched.
Minotaurs have their own language, and about half of them are capable of speaking common (often somewhat limited). However, they are capable of producing exceptional individuals whose intelligence and capabilities transcend normal Minotaur limits and rival any human standard. Minotaurs are also always male. Where the first such creature came from is unknown, but existing Minotaurs are capable of mating with human females, with the resultant offspring always being Minotaurs.
MInotaurs are by nature Chaotic Evil. They are the mortal enemies of Gnolls, and will attack them on sight
The Naga are the race of serpent-men. They are highly intelligent and socially sophisticated, and probably naturally magical as well. Almost all naga appear to have minor magical abilities equal to a first or second level magician, and their dedicated priest and wizard classes are probably human equivalent in potential ability. As warriors they are highly skilled, and their Guild rating of "5" should probably be seen as a bottom end more than an average. Leader-class or hero-type individual naga should be treated with exceptional caution by adventurers of any rank or skill.
Not very much is certain about Naga society, as they are infrequently encountered, and each local group tends to exhibit its own unique characteristics, but a few things seem consistent. Naga are almost always found in homogeneous communities of their own, almost never in conjunction with other humanoids (except in rare cases as work slaves). They are highly lawful creatures, and all their societies exhibit a strong structure of low to high rankings with warrior-priests usually in the highest rank and magicians behind them. It is believed they maintain a highly communal society where each individual is defined by the task they perform for that society and the manner in which they contribute to the whole.
Naga colonies always seem linked to a specific place or area, and while they defend these areas with a single-minded ferocity, they exhibit little care or interest in anything beyond their boundaries, with the slave-using groups being the exception. This has led to the speculation of their having been perhaps originally bred as some kind of guardian or protector species by some higher force, hence the common use of the term "Guardian Naga". The truth of this is uncertain, but the examples known certainly support it.
While Naga priestly ability is common, their religious associations appear to vary from location to location, and often are surprisingly extreme. Particularly odd for an obviously lawful race is a tendency to demonic worship, but in a number of cases naga colonies have been found tied to demonic temples and worship sites.
The Drow are perhaps the most iconic, and surely the most feared of the evil humanoid races. They are a unique sub-race of Elves, but have become a race as dedicated to Evil as their brethren are to Good. Naturally magical and magic-using (as all Elves are), their mastery of both arcane and holy magic is complete, and their social structures are dominated by powerful practicioners of both arts, with the priestly class holding the highest rank.
Drow elves are black-skinned, and have pale grey or white hair. Like upperworld elves, they tend to be somewhat slight of build, but they are anything but delicate. Their centuries of underground life have made them highly sensitive to bright light of any kind, but beyond this they have few weaknesses. Independent of those trained in the arcane or holy arts, all Drow are inherently magic-using. The ability to use dancing lights, faerie fire, and darkness spells appears common, and higher level individuals gain additional spell abilities. They also have superior magic resistance, which seems almost unfair in a race that is also so comprehensively magic-using themselves. They have excellent infravision and ultravision, a natural ability to move silently and with stealth, and are exceptionally alert, at least in their home environment. Perhaps because their society relentlessly culls out the weak, even ordinary individuals are always highly skilled, and they further tend to have good to superior arms and armor. Most are particularly skilled with a unique one-handed crossbow; direct damage is light, but the bolts are inevitably poisoned.
The Drow commonly produce unusual weapons and clothing with semi-magical properties, apparently a result both of their inherent magical abilities, and a type of ambient magical radiation which appears common in the underworld. These items are known to begin to degrade the moment they are exposed to direct sunlight; magical effects fade within hours, items rot within days, even metal weapons will become brittle or rust within a week. Once the process starts, it appears to be generally irreversible.
Drow Elves have maintained a subterranean lifestyle for at least as long as humanity has walked the plane – exactly how long, our scholars know not. Their world is not a closed one, though certainly a dangerous one to the uninitiated. They live in vast underground cities in the underworld, with each city owing its loyalty to a noble household of one faction or another. Buildings tend to have weird and fantastic shapes, streets meander in (to outsiders) hopeless confusion, and all is shrouded in a general gloom and darkness. Alongside the Drow themselves will be found a variety of other underground races, but almost always the Derro, the slave-race believed bred from upperworld gnomes and dwarves, but perverted by Drow magic and centuries of oppression.
Drow society is believed to be highly volatile, as the various noble houses are almost always passively or actively fighting each other in a constantly-changing mosaic of alliances and treacheries. Virtually all Drow seem to practice some form of demon-worship, with cults of the spider-goddess Lolth being by far the most prevalent and powerful. Most noble houses are matriarchal as a result; male-dominated households are rare and most frequently dedicated to the demonic lords of Chaos. In the classic societies, the leading Princesses and Matrons are usually cleric-magicians, while the male households are usually led by warrior-magicians.
For most of Blackmoor's history, Drow elves thought not to be present at all. This idea began to change in the early 1700s with the first uncertain reports of the Dreadwood fortress-ruin that would come to be called the Spider's Web. It was, however, still a complete surprise to find their presence here, in force, orchestrating the extended conflicts we call the Drow Wars later that century. And despite their presence during that time, there have been no reports of Drow presence or activity since (the reader is reminded any failure to report any Drow elf encounter is still a capital crime in Blackmoor). The singular exception is the Spider's Web, they are known to be present at the location, but there have never been reports of them beyond it.
Ithilids, also known as "Mind Flayers", are the most mysterious and least understood of all the humanoid races. Almost nothing is known about where they come from and the nature of their interrelationships. Most experts believe they originate from beyond the Prime Material plane, probably in a Chaos-realm, and may well maintain some kind of multi-planar existence. In any case, they are as rare as they are mysterious, and most adventurers will live long and healthy lives without ever encountering one of these beings.
Ithilids are a fearsome sight, with the body of a man but a bright blue face sprouting reddish octopus-like tentacles from an enlarged head. Human sized, they are inevitably dressed in a wizardly style, always in sumptuous and wealthy garments, and they particularly favor sophisticated jewelry items with precious gemstones. More fearsome still is the reputation for evil these beings have, for they feed on brains, the brains of living and intelligent creatures, and they consider all other humanoid races to be nothing more than slaves and potential food reserves.
Whether generic to the race or merely those that interact with the Prime Material plane, all Ithilids are both skilled magicians and powerful psionicists. Most Ithilids encountered have the magical skills of around a 7th level magician, but it is believed exceptional individuals can attain wizard or higher equivalence. The particularly favori mind control spells such as suggestion, charm, ESP, and the like. In addition to spellcasting ability, mind flayers are universally psionically adept. All mind flayers can use astral projection and plane shift, and usually at least three or four other psionic disciplines. But most feared of all is the Ithilid’s psionic blast attack. Creatures stunned by this projection of psionic power are completely vulnerable to be siezed by the head in the creature’s tentacles. In a single gruesome convulsion, the Ithilid will literally pull the victim’s skull apart, allowing it to feed on the fresh brain.
Like many extra-planar creatures, Ithilids are magic resistant, generally at a Strong level. They are susceptible to holy magic, but not to clerical turning. They are almost always encountered either in subterranian realms or in controlled indoor conditions, as sunlight is an anathema to them and they will not remain in its presence.
It is thought by some that Ithilids are an exceptionally ancient race with a degree of knowledge of the affairs of the multiverse perhaps unrivaled by any other race. Indeed, most encounters with Ithilids occur over the acquisition of ancient knowledge or power, and it is similarly the reason most others seek to treat with them. Both have their dangers, for Ithilids are profoundly evil creatures for whom power is the only currency, and they will do anything for their own ends.
Ithilids have not been encountered in the Blackmoor area in anyone's memory.
Giants have a great deal of variety, but in general six general classifications of “true” giants are accepted: Hill, Stone, Cloud, Frost, Fire, and Storm. Individuals of each type tend to conform to certain expectations, but like any other creature, individuals can be stronger or weaker than average.
“True” Giants are not simply large and strong humanoids, they are creatures build on an entirely separate scale. The strength of their bones, the power in their muscles, and the mass of their bodies give them abilities that exceed those just gained by size. Consider that a Stone Giant’s club might be eight feet long and weigh over 600 pounds. It’s not like being hit with a weapon, it’s like being hit with part of a building.
Underestimating the intelligence of giants is another common error. Although Hill Giants are only a small step above Ogres, all other Giant types are really no different than humans. All except the Hill Giant have capable and sophisticated clerical traditions, and both Frost and Fire Giants appear to spawn individuals capable of learning arcane magic of wizard equivalence at least. Storm Giants appear magic-using by nature.
In the Backmoor area, Hill and Cloud Giants are essentially unknown. There have always been legends of the latter existing in the Barrier Peaks, but no tangible evidence for this has ever come forth. In contrast, Stone, Frost, Fire and Storm Giants are all well-confirmed realities, primarily again in the Barrier Peaks but also in other areas including Frostcrag Forest. For completeness, we provide a brief description of all six.
HILL GIANTS -- lowest on the giant ladder, usually at least 10 feet tall and a strength of around 20. Notably lacking in intellect, they are sometimes derisively called "smart ogres". Even users of simple holy magic are extremely rare. They tend to live relatively solitary lives in rugged areas well away from human populations, and are almost always chaotic evil in alignment.
STONE GIANTS -- typically 12 to 14 feet tall, strength rated 21, average intelligence, evil with strongly lawful alignment tendencies. Stone giants are highly communal and are frequently found in service with other more powerful giants. Rare examples have been encountered with limited magical abilities, but by far the majority come in the standard reasonably "plain" form. They tend to regard creatures smaller than themselves with disdain and contempt.
CLOUD GIANTS -- similar in size and strength to stone giants. Although strong like stone giants, cloud giants prefer to use their magical abilities rather than brute strength. Cloud giants typically have a number of magical abilities, including the ability to fly, alter winds and weather, create storms, and to call lightning. They are most commonly Lawful Neutral in alignment, with this species being about the only one where Good-aligned individuals are (rarely) encountered. Cloud giants live in massive castles which indeed float on clouds.
FROST GIANTS -- these giants are most commonly found in snow-bound mountainous regions or in the far north, but they are perfectly capable of living in any environment and are not infrequently found in exotic or unexpected locations. Larger and stronger than stone or cloud giants, they wield powerful weapons in combat. Magic use is not uncommon with these creatures, and their casters capable of mastering both arcane and holy magicks, and particularly illusionary magic; they also have a highly capable priestly class commanding holy magic to at least level 6 or 7. They tend to live in small settlements organized around powerful individuals. Frost giants are almost always either Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil.
FIRE GIANTS -- Fire Giants are Lawful Evil creatures who seek the enslavement of all races lesser than giants, and frequently even their lesser kin. Fire Giants can stand 15 feet tall or greater, and have massive strength (rated 23) capable of leveling building or walls and throwing mammoths like beach balls. Fire giants are masters of fire, and are the greatest craftsmen of all the giants. Fire giant smiths are capable of producing weapons of surpassing quality using even adamant to produce weapons of +4, +5, even artifact-level power. Like Frost Giants, they too have a powerful and capable holy spell-casting class as well.
STORM GIANTS -- very little is known of these elusive creatures, who seem to come and go as belies their name. Storm Giants are thought be largely Chaotic Neutral in temperament, and appear to care little for the affairs of mortal creatures such as mankind. Storm Giants combine almost unimaginable strength (rated 24) with powerful druidical magic ability to represent an adversary better avoided than confronted.
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